W e s l e y a n  U n i v e r s i t y .
P r o j e c t s .

“This room is my sanctuary.” - Bob Russo, Wesleyan University

"Thinks out of the box, listens to and incorporates user needs and requests.”
Roseann Z. Sillasen, Construction Services for Wesleyan University


Wesleyan University commissioned Sonic-Space to design a 720 square foot critical listening classroom / production room for the schools music department run by Ronald Kuivila. The existing floor and ceiling are made of concrete and the existing walls are made of limestone that can not be damaged.


Accommodate experimentation with surround sound monitoring; provide storage; design flexibility in acoustics; allow for future changes to audio, video and network systems; maintain connectivity to other performance spaces; optimize for critical listening area with 4 to 6 students.


Treatments were designed so that the attachment points would be on the seam lines of the existing limestone finish. The new front wall which creates the new storage area behind it is designed to be acoustically absorptive in the low frequencies hence making the storage area a bass trap. The ceiling incorporates a grid system that can have its materials easily changed for differing acoustics and is a large 2 foot deep trap.

There are six 8 foot tall diffuser gobos that can be moved around to create different acoustic conditions within the space. A cable tray system placed next to hanging metal bars down the center and perimeter of the room allow for the placement of monitors anywhere in the space with now cables in the way on the floor. Tie line panels were installed throughout the room and connect to conduits and the cable tray system to maintain flexibility in the various systems. The audio monitor system in this space changes based on application.

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